
Love can tear us apart and wear us thin and leak out our stuffing. This is what happened to my son's girlfriend and Amorous, her knitted, blimp cat from her babyhood. Nevertheless, dear tin can fix usa as well and with the desire to make Dotty's owner happy, my son suggested to her to allow me set Dotty's 6 holes.

I don't consider fixing a special friend equally mending or a chore but as a privilege. Just 6 holes? Sure, my afternoon merely opened upwards. I'm honored someone trust me to fix their loved one. To those who are deeply fastened to a special toy, fixing that toy, in any way, makes them feel better. After all they know they were the i who loved their special friend to, literally, pieces.

I've patched before. I've seen the appreciation. My daughter's pink canis familiaris, Sniffy, who followed her to college, has patches on his patches. He still keeps the honored position on her bed. I'm glad I could assist make that happen.

Dotty 1

Fixing a blimp toy is pretty easy. Patches can exist of matching or contrasting material. Dotty is knitted, and I don't knit but her owner didn't mind if I sewed patches on. I permit Dotty's owner cull which material to utilise from my fleck pile and she choose five different fabrics.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 1

Amorous had vi holes like this. My son had used Fray Check on the edges of the holes before I ever saw Amorous.

Dotty had go a little flattened over the years so I was asked if we could plump her upwardly a footling. The holes permit you to add together more stuffing if needed. However, do exist careful about how you lot add it. You want a smooth expect, not a lumpy look.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 2

To patch, cut out a piece of fabric larger than the hole. Lay the cloth over the hole and so it extends beyond the hole on all sides.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 3

Feeling where the hole is underneath I pin the patch to the blimp toy around the edges of the hole. My pins get through the toy'due south "skin" effectually the edge of the pigsty and not just into the stuffing. The outline in pins is just larger than the hole.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 4

Trim the patch with information technology nonetheless pinned to the toy. The pins are a guide for shape and size. Leave enough textile to plough under, about 1/4 inch is good. You could run a tight zig zag run up around the patch (subsequently unpinning it from the toy) and non turn under your cloth.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 5

Turn under the edges of the patch. Pin down as y'all get.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 6

Around tight curves I notched the fabric slightly. On the front of Dotty, where I used lighter weight fabric on the larger holes, notching wasn't necessary. On a pocket-sized round patch, fabricated of light weight cotton, I had to notch because the curve was then tight.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 7

When it'southward pinned down all around just check that the entire pigsty is covered.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 8

Sew the patch in identify.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 9

Finished. (with this patch)

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 10

I had to have off the twill tape tag to patch simply I reattached information technology when I was done because I noticed this tag is Dotty's handle. A finger easily and lovingly slipped though this tag to carry Dotty around. Continue in mind that ittle details similar these are special to the owners. My daughter'south dog had a large, loose, loop of thread that one time was part of his factory fabricated, sewn downwards grinning. I left the loop loose because information technology had become office of his special smile.

Dotty patch a stuffed animal 11

Hither she is; patched and plumped and ready for more than love.