
How to Install Android N Developer Preview on Nexus Devices

Android N launcher apps

Google recently surprised us when it announced the Android Northward Developer Preview, considering we all expected the adjacent Android release to be unveiled at the Google I/O conference. Well, it's certainly a pleasant surprise, as Android N brings some much anticipated features like multi-window, notification enhancements and more. And while the release is aimed at developers, it'south available to download for everyone, cheers to the make new Android Beta Program.

Sadly, the Android Beta Program is only open to Google devices including the Nexus 6P, 5X, half dozen, ix, Nexus Player, Pixel C and Android One devices. So, if y'all are rocking i of the aforementioned devices, here are the means to install Android N Preview on your device:

Ways to Install Android N

There are 2 ways to install Android North Preview on one of the Nexus devices:

  • Flash manually

You can download the Android N Preview system image of your Nexus device and flash your device manually. While this method bodes well for developers, nosotros wouldn't recommend information technology for people like us, who merely want to get a good wait at Android N. Flashing a device manually wipes out all of your data and there's no support for OTA updates unless you enrol the device in the Android Beta Program. And so, we'd recommend this process only if you lot are a programmer looking to give Android Due north a fresh install. Then, if you lot desire to go alee, here are the steps listed by Google to manually flash Android N Developer Preview.

  • Android Beta Plan

Nosotros'd recommend the Android Beta Program because the process is simple and you don't lose your information. Also, whenever a new preview build rolls out, your device will receive it equally an OTA update. Yous will also get the public Android Due north builds when Google releases them. If at some fourth dimension, you lot feel like the bugs of a preview build are too much for yous, you tin easily roll dorsum to the near recent public Android build.

And so, let's become started, hither are the steps to install Android Due north Preview on your devic e :

ane. Firstly, you will have to enroll your device in the Android Beta Plan. To do that, go to the Android Beta Program enrollment page and sign in with the Google account that you lot use on your Nexus smartphone or tablet as well. Once yous are logged in, yous will see your eligible devices. Click "Enroll Device" to get going.

Android beta Program

2. Accept the terms & conditions to the beta program and click "Join Beta". Yous volition so get a message on the screen saying "Device enrolled".

Android Beta Program enroll

3. Then, your Nexus device should get a notification of a system preview update available to download. Open up up the notification and you lot volition encounter the details around the update. Tap the "Download" button to start downloading.

Android N Preview Download

Note : The size of the Android N Preview update for the Nexus 5X (the device nosotros tested information technology on) is 1123.5 MB, and so we can expect the update to be approximately the same size on other devices too. Also, if you don't receive a preview update notification presently, yous can become ahead and check in Settings->Well-nigh->Organisation updates.

4. Once the update is downloaded, you can install it right then or schedule it for subsequently. To install it, open the "Arrangement update downloaded" notification and hit "Restart & Install". Your device will then exist rebooted and the new Android version will exist installed.

Android N Preview Install

five. After the update is installed and your device boots up over again, you volition get a message from Android Beta Program, telling you lot more about it along with a Feedback button. Tap "Ok" and then, become to Settings->Nearly and you lot should run across the Android Version listed equally N. You lot can also continue borer the Android version to start up the Android Northward easter egg, which is just an N, as of now and still opens upwardly the same old Flappy Bird like game.

Android N on Nexus 5X

Note : You lot can easily unenroll your device from the Android Beta Program by going to its folio and clicking "Unenroll Device". You lot will then receive an update that rolls your device back to the near recent stable public version of Android. However, you will lose all your information, and so don't forget to dorsum everything upward.

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Installed Android North on your Google device withal?

It'southward important to note that the Android N Preview release is aimed at developers and it's not yet polished enough for daily use. If you still desire to go ahead and download the preview, yous should brand up your mind of living with bugs and operation problems. Now that we have cleared that out, install Android N following the steps above and if you have washed it, exercise let us know your Android N experience in the comments section below.


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